Plot Description

By day, Eric deals with his job, his school bullies, and his mother. By night, he sails the See aboard Cloud IX as Erika and vanquishes terrors that turn dreams into nightmares. Though his life is far more complicated, Eric has managed to find a balance between his duality.

But when Erika begins hearing strange voices in her head from both the dreamers and terrors, the balance she’s found will be turned on its head.

As Erika learns more about her new friends and allies aboard Cloud IX, she begins to also learn more about herself and her destiny in the See. When Erika and the Cloud IX crew are confronted by a terror more powerful than the crew has ever faced, will Erika be able to overcome her doubts and fight alongside the crew as an equal? Or will her own nightmares swallow her and Cloud IX forever?

Cloud IX Volume II: Lucidity – Available Soon!
